WWF Warns of Sea Turtle Threat
Marine turtle expert Dr Ian Bell is concerned about the survival of Queensland’s marine turtles. As a biologist with the Threatened Species Unit at the Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage Protection, he is working with marine turtles to understand how climate change may affect them.
How will turtles cope?
Watch this short video clip.
The Climate Commission says the sea level has already risen by 0.21 metres and will continue to rise as the ocean becomes warmer. And rising sea levels put the prime nesting areas of turtles at risk of flooding, forcing turtles to nest in less than ideal habitats, such as rocky or muddy beaches.
Higher temperatures could also lead to only females being born. Ian says if marine turtles are to survive, populations need to thrive in very large numbers. Currently for every 1,000 hatchlings born only one survives to adulthood… READ MORE.
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