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Tourism Authority of Thailand Launches 2018 Marketing Plan

The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) recently held the annual 2018 TAT Action Plan meeting, which covers both international and domestic tourism. TAT’s marketing plan 2018 has been designed to serve the purpose of generating revenue and increase visitor arrivals, promote new ideas and follow the development agenda of Thailand 4.0 using the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, as well as Inclusive Tourism that maintains a balance between the economy, society and the environment.

Mr Yuthasak Supasorn, TAT Governor said, “TAT will use tourism to promote sustainable development with the community as the ultimate beneficiary. We believe this will pave the way for Thailand to be a preferred destination among international visitors.”

To be targeted over the 12-month period of the fiscal year 2018, beginning October 2017, the niche-market customer segments were finalised at the annual TAT Action Plan meeting held between 11-14 July 2017.

For the international marketing plan strategy, TAT has segmented target customers worldwide ranging from first-timers to repeaters, senior citizens to sports enthusiasts. TAT will also emphasise on niche markets including weddings and honeymoons and ladies, as well as continue to create a brand image as a high-end and luxury travel destination.

Gastronomy Tourism will be focused on more, which is considered an important part of the travel through local experiences. It is also one of the tools to boost the development of the country’s economy by adding value to products and services that are based on the unique Thai culture and way of life. Some of the highlighted activities are the opening of the Michelin Guidebook Bangkok and Thailand will host the 4th UNWTO World Forum on Gastronomy Tourism.

The communication strategies for the international market will continue to use “Amazing Thailand”, which has been a popular and well-recognised marketing slogan for nearly 20 years. TAT will still use “Discover Amazing Stories in Amazing Thailand”.

In 2018, TAT will change its marketing angle slightly with a new concept of “Open to the New Shades of Thailand”. The concept will deepen the Unique Thai Local Experience to a Million Shades of Thailand. This will give more depth to the presentation of Thailand’s tourism, grow the business for grassroots tourism sector players, and enhance the country’s image as a land of amazing diversity worth discovering further.

Mr Yuthasak said, “Clearly the age of mass-marketing is over. The future lies in sharply focused marketing campaigns, which can deliver measurable results. These will help us maintain a strong brand presence, improve the efficiency of our marketing spend, address the seasonality factor, decongest popular destinations and establish closer cooperation with potential partners that include many industry businesses and local communities who can contribute to the success of our objectives.”

The number of visitors from January – June 2017 reached 17 million creating an income of 876 billion Baht in which the China market was the first generator followed by Russia and Malaysia.  Realising the importance that tourism has for the country’s economy, the Royal Thai Government has set a growth of not less than 8 per cent increase in tourism revenue for 2018.

About The Tourism Authority of Thailand: The Tourism Authority of Thailand (T.A.T.) was established in 1960 by the Royal Thai Government to be specifically responsible for tourism promotion. In 1965, T.A.T. opened its first overseas office in New York. Since then, T.A.T. has established 21 offices in different parts of the world. Tourism Authority of Thailand is represented in South Africa by Lesley Simpson Communications.

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