Saint Ange on Seychelles Tourism Report #18
My quote for this week’s Seychelles Report is by Richard Branson:- “The key to success in business is all about people, people, people. It should go without saying, if you look after your people, your customers and bottom line will be rewarded too.”
Analysing who the people are that stand behind politicians, investors, corporations and the economy; It is the working people. Many are employed and some venture out by becoming what is today simply called the self-employed workers. It is a fact that the Government of the day can propose a new regulation that can better the lives of all its citizens, inclusive of every worker, the self-employed and the business community, as and when they feel the need to do so arises. The Opposition in the Seychelles National Assembly can, on their part, propose a Private Members Bill if and when they feel there is the need to bring about better conditions for the citizens, inclusive of every worker, the self-employed and the business community, of the country. They have successfully shown that for the Offshore Sector, their Private Members Bill was duly assented to by the Head of State.
Recently the Stevedore Workers took action in their own hands when they felt their working conditions were not acceptable anymore. Fishing Boat Owners also stood outside the National Assembly to make the case for grievances they had.
Workers and the Self-Employed have been seeking a Non-Politically Affiliated Organisation to be by their side.They felt that an Independent Labor Union was needed to assure them that those with political or economic power are not allowed to unduly ignore their rights, aspirations and necessities. The call for the Labor Union was made.
Pope Francis on his part is on record for saying:- “Trade Unions have been an essential force for social change, without which a semblance of a decent and humane society is impossible under capitalism.” Pope Francis is of course right in his analysis. A lot has been achieved by the struggle of Labor Unions. The more humane societies of the 21st Century are ones in quick and constant transitions and transformations. The new Seychelles Labour Union will take this as well as the emerging issues to ensure that it’s hard working members are ‘Recognized, Respected and fairly Remunerated for their respective efforts. It is the formula to produce a responsible and productive workforce to propel our economy to further prosperity for all. The growing self-employed having followed the call to “leve e debrouyer” face considerable obstacles and have thus far been left to fend for themselves. This isolation will persist no longer. SLU will contextualize its operations for the society in which we live. It brings solutions through concrete, innovative approaches and actions.
On October 4th, 2017, a meeting of some workers and the self-employed coming from both sides of the all political divide was held where a teacher said: “It is the sense of seeing workers exercising a role by themselves and for themselves. We are already having opposition for our determination, but this is a sign of being effective. If there’s opposition, it means they’re noticing a change.”
It takes ‘grabbing the bull by the horn’ actions to remind us of our common responsibility. The recent Stevedore Workers strike followed by a protest by Fishing Boat Owners happened for a reason, let us not forget that too soon.
Empowering the self-employed to work is the responsibly of the State. Recently a small hotel owner restated a statement already aired by previous entrepreneurs that a work-permit could not be issued until the hotel was licensed. “The law says so” they were told. The pre-opening preparations are not taken into account, but this ensures a smooth opening with positive word of mouth from day one. If the law says so, the law needs to be changed. Making it business friendly is so important and is generally a needed encouragement.
Negative comments persist on the Beau Vallon Promenade. Motorcycles are now ridden on the promenade and they will be the cause a regrettable accident if we continue to be blind to what is seen as just a lack of respect for a facility conceived for the quality time by families and friends. This lack of action by the State is today being further compounded by the period of insecurity. In Seychelles today would-be muggers are able to block roads to bring vehicles to a standstill. We are playing with fire and the time to act is now.
Until next time, I bid you Bon Voyage.
Alain St.Ange
Saint Ange Consultancy.
Read more: Saint Ange Tourism Newsletter – 18th Edition.
Topics featured in this edition include:
- A new Labor Union is launched for Seychelles
- Manta Rays in the Seychelles
- Seychelles says thank you to Alain St.Ange
- Travelindex Endorsed as World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Member