Trade News

Provincial Tourism Stakeholder Consultation

The National Department of Tourism is currently revising the National Tourism Sector Strategy (NTSS), approved by Cabinet in 2011.

The review is aimed at amongst others, making essential adjustments in the current NTSS to ensure that it retains its relevance in this dynamic and fast changing environment, and to give effect to the overarching national strategic plans and other critical policy determinations.

In addition, the review of the NTSS is aimed at providing a clear strategic direction for the continued sustainable growth and development of the travel and tourism sector and the mainstreaming of tourism as a key lever of economic growth.

Therefore, the Department of Tourism would like to invite you to a Tourism Stakeholder Consultation Workshop on the proposed revisions, planned as follows:

DATE: Friday, 22 April 2016
TIME: 09H30 for 10H00
VENUE: TBC (around Sandton)

The objectives of the workshop are as follows:

•             To unpack the revised draft NTSS and implications for the travel and tourism sector; and
•             To obtain stakeholder feedback and inputs on the proposed revision.

Stakeholders are encouraged to participate in this process and to use the workshop as an opportunity for engagement and sharing of ideas in pursuit of the growth of the sector.

You are kindly requested to confirm your attendance by emailing [email protected]  by no later than Friday, the 15th April 2016.

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