Trade News

Cape Town Strengthens Ties With Angola

CAPE TOWN, 05 September 2018 – Following Visa exemptions and increased direct flights between Cape Town and Angola, the President of the recently  established Angola-South Africa Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CACIAAS), Victoriano Ferreira Nicolau met with Wesgro CEO Tim Harris to sign a Memorandum of Understanding aimed at encouraging the sharing of business support services between Angola and the Western Cape.

CACIAAS is an intermediary facilitator for business exchange interventions, with the goal to promote a better business environment across all sectors in Angola and South Africa.

In addition to the MOU, Wesgro will seek to forge a relationship with the Private Investment and Export Promotion Agency (AIPEX) – an organisation appointed by  the Angolan Government to accelerate and facilitate the execution of private  investment into the country, as well as the Ministry of Trade – who are involved  in projects to support the economic diversification of Angola, and the Ministry  of Tourism.

Acknowledging the importance of these relationships for the Agency, Harris commented: “As the first port of call for foreign buyers, local exporters and investors wishing to take advantage of the business potential in the rest of Africa, it is imperative that we forge mutually beneficial relationships with partner organisations. The recent  visa exemption for diplomatic and ordinary passport holders, as well as  increased direct flights, offer our companies great access to both markets and should result in a positive effect on business and leisure tourism.”

Angola remains a key trading partner of the Western Cape and has been earmarked as a priority market for wine promotion. The Department of Agriculture (DoA), Department of  Economic Development and Tourism (DEDAT), Wines of South Africa (WOSA) and Wesgro has embarked on several wine sales missions, partnering with Shoprite and other companies in Angola.

In a bid to further promote Western Cape wine as well as the province as a preferred tourist destination, Harris launched the Life Taste’s Better in Cape Town campaign at a media briefing yesterday.

The campaign was conceptualized following an increase in the demand for South  African wine reflected in the market, with statistics revealing an increase of more than 27% from 2012 to 2017.  Through the promotion of premium South African wines, the Agency will look to entice Angolans to visit the destination and the numerous regions where the wines are produced, to experience first-hand the Province’s wine tourism offering.

Central to the campaign is the 5 Chefs – 5 Courses – 5 Wines event,  which will take place in Luanda at the infamous Espaço Luanda on 27 September.  The event will see five of Angola’s top chefs, prepare five courses that will be paired with five premium South African wines.

As part of the campaign, Wesgro will be working in partnership with South African Tourism (SAT) to host a series of educational sessions between Angolan tour operators and the South African tourism industry to build bespoke  Angolan tourism experiences in identified categories. In addition to this,  Wesgro and SAT will host media for a familiarization trip during the Cape Town International Jazz Festival, scheduled for March next year.

Executive  Mayor, Patricia de Lille, commented: “Angola is an important partner for Cape Town. We have a vibrant  Angolan expat community in the city and every year we welcome more and more  Angolan tourists to the Mother City. Just this June visitors from Angola increased by 22,6% from 2 813 in June 2017 to 3 450 in June 2018. Closer ties mean more investments flow between Cape Town and Luanda and this, in turn, will  create more jobs for all our residents.”

Western  Cape Minister of Economic Opportunities, Alan Winde, adds “Angola is a key partner for the  Western Cape and we believe that this mutual relationship will only strengthen as a result of the visa exemptions and increased flights. One of our Project  Khulisa goals was to double wine exports to Angola, and we are pleased that the  Angolan market has responded so positively to our exports. We believe there is real potential to develop this into a tourism opportunity, allowing Angolan  visitors to experience Western Cape wines, and all the province’s other  attractions at the same time.”

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