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240 Santa Shoeboxes Packed @GrandWestSA

GrandWest’s Hanover Street became a festive packing line of enthusiastic volunteers who gathered to package stationery for underprivileged children as part of the annual Santa Shoebox Project on 29 and 30 November 2016.

The volunteers were from GrandWest and concessionaires at the property, as well as SHAWCO Health (the University of Cape Town’s Students’ Health and Welfare Centres Organisation), Councilor Clive Justus and his team from Goodwood Ward and Elim Night Shelter.

Together they packed some 240 shoeboxes with stationery for Grade R and Grade 1 learners at Easter Peak Primary School in Manenberg. The boxes will be distributed in time for the new school year in January 2017.

The Santa Shoebox Project originated in Cape Town in 2006 with a modest 180 shoeboxes. In 10 years it has grown in leaps and bounds, with the number of Santa Shoeboxes distributed in South Africa and Namibia to date totaling 551 979.

The project is supported by an extensive network of volunteers across South Africa and Namibia who give freely of their time, energy and expertise. It also relies on the generous backing of various corporate sponsors pledging monetary or pro bono support. Many companies, like GrandWest, involve their staff members by pledging Santa Shoeboxes as part of their Corporate Social Investment programmes.

Commenting on the project, Alderman Clive Justus who is also Chairman of the Western Cape’s Economy and Environment Portfolio Committee said: “We would like to say thank you to Heidi Edson, Group Social Economic Development Manager, GrandWest for the privilege of being able to share in the activities and help children in need.”

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Caption to header image: Left to right: Ilse Jardine (GrandWest), Anelisiwe Mpaka (GrandWest), Alderman Clive Justus Chairman: Economy and Environment Portfolio Committee, Cecile J van Rensburg Councillor Ward 27, Councillor Franchesca Walker Ward 26 and Liz Heubner (GrandWest).

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