
2019 Youth Travel Awards Winners Announced

The World Youth Student and Educational Travel Confederation (WYSE) has announced the 2019 Global Youth Travel Awards (GYTAs) winners.

On the final evening of 11 October, delegates attending the close of the World Youth and Student Travel Conference in Lisbon dressed to impress to celebrate not only what had been a successful week but also to honour the winners of the 2019 Global Youth Travel Awards.

This year, a record-breaking number of submissions for the nominated categories and votes for the consumer-voted awards were received. In particular, the Extraordinary Experience award had seen a sharp increase in submissions. This supports what is known about millennial and Gen Z travellers; that a mutually-rewarding experience, both to the individual and the host country, is high on the list of priorities for today’s youth.

The Best Sustainable Organisation category also received a large volume of high calibre entries; perhaps not surprising either in the age of Greta Thunberg and the global push towards minimalising the impact that we, as travellers, have upon the environment.

The submissions for the ten nominated categories had been carefully evaluated by a panel of judges, leading to three finalists being selected for each category. Three finalists had also been determined for the four consumer-voted categories. 

The 2019 GYTA Winners & Finalists are:

Nominated categories:

Best Education Abroad Provider

Best Marketing Campaign

Best Social Responsibility Initiative

Best Social Space in a Hostel

Best Sustainable Organisation

Best Travel Safety Initiative

Best Travel Technology Product

Best Work Experience Provider

Consumer-voted categories:

Best Airline for Youth Travellers

Best Youth Travel Agent

Best Youth Tour Operator

Best Youth Travel Accommodation

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